Share room in a modern apartment in city(male&female)
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Ultimo 広い綺麗なお部屋 オウンルーム$350、or女性2人$350 Ultimo UTS近くのアパートメントで、広くて綺麗なお部屋あります。 広い庭付きで、BBQできます。ここにマレーシ...
長期で住んで頂けるカップルもしくはお一人を募集しています。 CITYから電車で15分ぐらいで、駅から家は歩いて7分ぐらいです。 近くにはWOOLWORTH、アジアスーパーマーケット,カフェ...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Newtown駅徒歩5分、バス停まで2分の好立地。リノベーション済みの清潔なシェアハウスです。 鍵はオートロックで、オウンキーです。家具は全て揃っているので、即入居可。 人気の部屋なので、...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Hi!! My name is Danny. Its modern apartment combined with hotel so, it is very secure and c...
I’m looking for male, Female or couple . Penthouse apartment in the city on Sussex St. Closed ...
ニュートラルベイのフラットで女性シェアメイト(1名)を募集しています。 バス停まで徒歩約5分。 シティーやチャッツウッド、マンリーやノーザンビーチ行きのバスもあります。 シティーとニュートラ...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Central train station and bus stop, 2 minutes to central pa...
Accommodation Available Now We have a 1 x lovely furnished room available in our home. (5 mins. f...