世界的なコロナウイルスの発生を受けて、Austrian Psychological Societyオーストラリア心理臨床学会は、不安や圧倒されていると感じている人々を助けるためにアドバイスを提供して、人々を安心させようとしている。
オーストラリア心理学会会長であるRos Knightロス・ナイト博士は、人々の反応は、コロナウイルスの流行に懸念を感じるための合理的で理解できる反応であると述べた。しかし、パニックに陥る必要はないとも言っている。
In light of the global outbreak of coronavirus, the Australian Psychological Society has sought to reassure the public by providing advice to help people who may feel anxious or overwhelmed.
Dr Ros Knight, president of the Australian Psychological Society, said that it is a reasonable and understandable response for individuals to feel concerned over the outbreak. However, she said there is no need to panic.
“As humans, we are hardwired to be afraid of the unknown and of something that appears random and uncontrollable,” Dr Knight said.
“If you find yourself becoming anxious about coronavirus, try to remember that medical and scientific experts are following strict protocols to contain the virus and treat those affected.”
Dr Knight encouraged those who may be feeling anxious to be mindful of the information they become exposed to and limit their access to social media, which may be portraying false information.
“Exposing yourself to a constant stream of negative information takes a huge psychological toll,” she said.
“Avoid reading social media posts that warn of an apocalypse and don’t get drawn into doomsday discussions.
“Sticking to the facts and relying on scientific sources for your information is the best way to maintain perspective and manage your feelings positively.”
Dr Knight also encouraged individuals to take appropriate steps in order to go about their daily tasks as normal.
“Remain calm and practical and continue with your usual regime, as much as you can.
“Observe good hygiene habits, like washing your hands and avoiding close contact with people who are unwell and, if it makes you feel better, wear an appropriate mask in public,” she said.
She added that parents and caregivers should be extra attentive to children and the effect that the media surrounding the spread of the virus might have on them.
Some children may even be affected by quarantine practices and excluded from school, which can be confusing.
“We know that children absorb information from the news, social media and discussions adults have around them.
“Some children have been excluded from school. Parents and caregivers may need to carefully explain to their children why they can’t go to school or why one of their friends is not there.”
Dr Knight provided some tips on how best to discuss such matters with children.
“Research shows that being open and honest with children is the best way to help them cope with serious situations,” she said.
“Sharing the news will help children to not feel excluded, imagine the situation is worse than it really is or, even, blame themselves. Sharing information shows that you trust and value them, which can enhance their resilience.”
“Try not to overload children with too many details. Give small amounts of information, wait and then ask if they have any questions,” she concluded.
Jerome Doraisamy is a senior writer for Lawyers Weekly and Wellness Daily at Momentum Media.
Before joining the team in early 2018, Jerome is admitted as a solicitor in New South Wales and, prior to joining the team in early 2018, he worked in both commercial and governmental legal roles and has worked as a public speaker and consultant to law firms, universities and high schools across the country and internationally. He is also the author of The Wellness Doctrines self-help book series and is an adjunct lecturer at The University of Western Australia.
Jerome graduated from the University of Technology, Sydney with a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Social Inquiry).
You can email Jerome at: jerome.doraisamy@momentummedia.com.au
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