Nice twin share room in a new painted house in the city(female)
A new painted 3 levels house in city . 5 minutes to central station, 5 minutes to broadway shopping ...
A new painted 3 levels house in city . 5 minutes to central station, 5 minutes to broadway shopping ...
GREAT LOCATION!! xxx JUST CROSS THE ROAD TO CENTRAL STATION! xxx Rooms are available to share!&nb...
One room is available in Wentworth Point near Sydney Olympic Park. The unit is a two bedroom unit...
チャッツウッドのローズビル(Rosevill)にある一軒家の最近改装した広くきれいな部屋をお貸しします。 1. 部屋タイプ ①オウンルーム($160/w) ②3人のシェア( 1人あた...
close to central station, clean, friendly, free internet, free toilet paper, nobody stay in the livi...
A new painted 3 levels house in city . 5 minutes to central station, 5 minutes to broadway shopping ...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Centre train station and bus stop, 5 minutes to Broadway sh...
Closed from Chatswood bus and train station including bills, internet, cooking utensils, dish was...
Closed from Chatswood bus and train station Welcome a nursing student Including bills, interne...
A new painted 3 levels house in city . 5 minutes to central station, 5 minutes to broadway shopping ...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Centre train station and bus stop, 5 minutes to Broadway sh...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Centre train station and bus stop, 5 minutes to Broadway sh...
Brand New apartment in City. 1 minite to Centre train station and bus stop, 5 minutes to Broadway sh...
セントラル駅から徒歩10分以内! 3ベッドルーム(フラット)の一部屋(オウン)に住んでくれる日本人を探しています! 現在、1部屋に私が住んでいて、もう一つのベッドルームに日本人の男性が住んでいま...
Cityのセントラル駅からすぐそこ(Railway Squareから徒歩1分)という便利な立地にあるセキュリティ・ビルディングでシェアメイトを募集しています(ルームシェア)。 ...
Earlwood, ベッド2つ、男女カップルOK.(女性2人or女性一人希望ですが)。車駐車ok,ボンドなし。デポジット1週間分。かぎ付き特大個室(2部屋専用使用可、広いリビングルーム+ベッドルーム)...
短期ですがチャッツウッドの一軒家でオウンルームを貸し出します!一時帰国のため荷物を置かせていただくので格安の値段です! 期間は1月22日(水)~2月17日(月)(細かい日程は相談に乗ります。ただし最...