ビーター典子さんと息子のリッキー選手/画像引用元:Belgravia Foundation 世界最高峰の障がい者スポーツ大会で、トップ…
以下のニュースを先にお知らせいただいましたが、さらに来週月曜から、スカイプなどのビデオ、または電話を使った医療が、すべての人たちに可能になるというアナウンスが健康相からありました。Allied Healthによるメンタルヘルスサービスも含まれると言っていて、それならサイコロジストによるセッションが含まれるということになります。メディケアのバルクビルで、自己負担はなく、遠隔カウンセリングが受けていただけます。すでにGPによるMental Health Treatment Planを持っている方、もしくはこれから取る方です。GPの診察もテレヘルスで可能になります。その保険も追随することと思います。海外旅行保険会社からは、個々のケースに応じて、遠隔セッションを許可することがあるとの回答を得ています。これが今週さらにはっきりいたしましたら、もう一度お知らせいたします!
Jamsニュース、遠隔診断のテレヘルス 来週から全国民対象(GP)
3月30日から、サイコロジストのメディケアでのクライエントは、全員がテレヘルス可能になりました。これには、Better Access(Mental Health Treatment Plan)、Chronic Disease Management Planなどのすべてのスキームのクライエントが含まれます。
(a) COVID-19ウイルスと診断されたが、病院の入院患者ではない人。
(b) オーストラリア健康保護基本委員会(AHPPC)が発行した、隔離指導に従った隔離措置を受けている人。
(c) COVID-19ウイルスに感染しやすい、以下のような人。
(i) 70歳以上。
(ii) アボリジニまたはトレス海峡諸島の子孫で、少なくとも50歳の人。
(iii) 妊娠している人。
(iv) 12ヶ月未満の子供の親である人。
(v) すでに慢性疾患の治療を受けているか、免疫が低下している人。
(d) COVID-19感染が疑われる患者で、現在の全国トリアージ・プロトコルの基準を満たしている人。
The Australian Government has unveiled a comprehensive $2.4 billion health package to protect all Australians, including vulnerable groups such as the elderly, those with chronic conditions and Indigenous communities, from the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The package provides unprecedented support across primary care, aged care, hospitals, research and the national medical stockpile.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Government was ensuring Australia’s health system was well-prepared and had the resources it needed to fight coronavirus and protect the community.
“Australia isn’t immune but with this $2.4 billion boost we’re as well prepared as any country in the world,” the Prime Minister said.
“This package is about preventing and treating coronavirus in the coming weeks.
“Our medical experts have been preparing for an event like this for years and this is the next step up in Australia’s plan.
“Our Government alongside the country’s leading medical experts is working around the clock to ensure we have the right tools, information and resources to keep Australians safe.”
Minister for Health Greg Hunt said the Government was boosting the capacity of the health system to effectively assess, diagnose and treat people with COVID-19 in a way that minimises spread of the disease in the community.
“We are ensuring people can access essential care in a way that reduces their potential exposure to infection. This includes support for telehealth, primary care and medical supplies,” Minister Hunt said.
$100 million will fund a new Medicare service for people in home isolation or quarantine, as a result coronavirus, to receive health consultations via the phone or video such as FaceTime or Skype.
The telehealth service will help contain the spread of the virus and it will be bulk-billed at no cost to patients and will be available from Friday 13 March.
These telehealth consultation services will be provided by doctors, both GPs and specialists, nurses and mental health allied health workers and will also be available under Medicare for people aged over 70, people with chronic diseases, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged over 50, people who are immunocompromised, pregnant people and new parents with babies.
These people are at greater risk from the virus and treatment home will minimise their risk of exposure. This will be available to these groups for non-coronavirus consultations as a general health measure.
The Government will provide $25 million to fund home medicines services which will enable patients to have their PBS prescriptions filled online or remotely, and have the medicines delivered to their home.
This service will be available for people in home isolation and for vulnerable patient groups.
All pharmacies with e-prescribing will be eligible to participate in the home medicines services and patients will continue to retain choice in their preferred community pharmacy.
To support GPs and pharmacies, the Government will fast track the rollout of electronic prescribing across Australia with funding of $5 million.
Patients will have access to services via the GP, telehealth, the national hotline, state hotlines, dedicated respiratory clinics and hospitals.
The national triage phone line will therefore be expanded with an additional $50.7 million in funding, operating 24/7 to provide advice to patients.
The free-call hotline will advise people on the best course of action depending on their symptoms and risks. Medical staff will direct people to the nearest hospital or respiratory clinic, or advise them to stay home and self-monitor, or contact their GP.
People who are not severely ill with COVID-19 – 80 per cent of people will have a mild illness – will be directed to GPs or a network of well-resourced GP-led respiratory clinics.
The Government is investing $206.7 million for up to 100 dedicated respiratory clinics. The Primary Health Networks will co-ordinate with the AMA, RACGP and states and territories to identify areas of need. The clinics will be a one-stop-shop for people who are concerned they may have the virus, to be tested and isolated from other patients.
People living and working in remote locations, in particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, will benefit from increased capacity to prevent outbreaks, including the tools to proactively screen visitors and fly-in, fly-out workers, additional support to evacuate early cases if required, and mobile respiratory clinics to quickly respond to outbreaks where there is no hospital or available health service. $58.7 million will be provided to support these functions.
The Government will establish dedicated Medicare funded and bulk billed pathology test for COVID-19. This is expected to cost $170.2 million and patients will also receive both the COVID-19 and flu test. Funding will also be provided for pathology testing to be conducted in aged care facilities.
ビーター典子さんと息子のリッキー選手/画像引用元:Belgravia Foundation 世界最高峰の障がい者スポーツ大会で、トップ…
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