A stroller is a light chair on wheels, in which a baby or child can sit and be pushed from place to place.
A pram is designed to carry newborns and younger babies, usually while they're lying down. It's sturdy and generally can't be folded flat.
stroller とは、軽量の椅子に車輪をつけ、赤ちゃんや子どもを座らせて、あちこちへ押して移動できるようにした、いわゆるベビーカーのこと。軽量のコンパクトなものを通常指す。
EXAMPLE 1 :If it's not too cold outside, I'm going to take the baby for a walk in the stroller later today.
EXAMPLE 2 :A nice man at the station helped me carry the pram up the stairs.
EXAMPLE 3 :My son loves to be pushed in his stroller. He never wants to walk on his own.
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2000 Australia
http:// www.berlitz.com.au
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