羅針盤とフーチで100%の確率で自分が分かります。✨ 皆様、こんにちは☺️ エィミィと申します。💖 自分の人生に満足してますか? 未来に不安は無いですか? ❤️今の自分はどういう自分なのか? 自...
0447 007 001 / bookings@007transport.com.au
住所 | Sydney nsw,2000 Sydney NSW 2000 |
タイプ | その他 |
サービス料金 | 有料 |
投稿者の他の記事 | 15件の記事があります |
[007 Transport Services] ▶ Sydney Airport Transfers : Pick-up & Drop-off ☎ 0447 007 001
Mercedes-Benz Vito: 7 Passenger Seats
007 Transport Services, is a Sydney based specialised transport service dedicated to delivering professionalism, safety, comfort and international class to all customers.
As an authorised private hire vehicle service company, we will exceed your expectations every time.
We provide transportation within the Sydney metro area and across New South Wales, Australia, and are able to cater to all your transport needs.
007 Transport Services has Mercedes-Benz Vito (7 passenger seats) at your service and a team of dedicated staff that will guarantee a high-quality service.
Accepts all major credit cards (Cabcharge, AMEX, Diners Club, Visa ,Master & JCB) and eftpos payments by mobile card terminal inside the vehicle.
Tax Invoice is also issued as proof for company business transportation.
For private, corporate and executive Mercedes-Benz Vito hire,
please contact Jay today for a quote.
Mobile: +61 (0)447 007 001
Email: bookings@007transport.com.au
Web: www.007transport.com.au
羅針盤とフーチで100%の確率で自分が分かります。✨ 皆様、こんにちは☺️ エィミィと申します。💖 自分の人生に満足してますか? 未来に不安は無いですか? ❤️今の自分はどういう自分なのか? 自...
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