
Aupair wanted in Cairns





住所 Wills Street Cairns QLD 4870
投稿者の他の記事 なし


職種 オーペア
ワークスタイル フルタイム
必要な英語力 中級(ある程度の意思の疎通ができる)
ビザ ワーキングホリデー / その他

Hello! Are you looking for a great Australian family experience in Tropical Far North Queensland?

Our family lives in Cairns and we are looking for a new Aupair. ASAP. We have 3 little girls (8 years old, 6 years old and 3 years old) who are fun active and love the outdoors.  Aupair asked to look after 3 year old shaylyn during the day during the day and do some house work including laundry and some cooking. 

This would suit someone who likes a tropical climate and is happy to live in Cairns and join the Australian family to enjoy this life style. 

You would need to speak and understand english, be a non-smoker and have an automatic drivers licence with a good driving record. You must be a honest and hard worker with some references as to your character and working with children.

Both parents working with the government and need a female aupair to live with us and at times drive girls to school ro drive shylyn to swimming to pick the girls up from after school activities. Aupair needs to be able to work flexible hours and be self motivated and happy. Must be patient nature and like children.  Accommodation and food supplied for free in exchange for childcare and home duties. Pay is $200.00 per week.

Taslyn is 8 years old and is in grade 3 and Ashlyn is 6 years old and is in grade 1 at the same school 5 days per week. 

Both lots of grandparents are living close to Cairns and will visit and help out when required.
We love having an aupair in our family and treat her like she is one of us, taking her where we go. We like to do family things on the weekend and we have a boat and like to go boating if you want to come.

The girls like having an aupair in the house who is usually like having another parent to love and care for them. We would welcome you to our family with open arms as an old friend.

For more information please email me with your details and availability or phone or SMS me on 0400212610. 


